Dr. Jonathan Y. Tan
(513) 745-3794
121 Hinkle Hall
Office hours by appointment
(Religion, Globalization & Pluralism)
Tue & Thu 1:00-2:15 p.m. (Alter 307)
This course seeks to provide an introduction to the study of religion and theology appropriate to the modern, pluralistic context of today's world, as well as to provide students with a foundation upon which their subsequent courses in religion, theology, political science, sociology, and history can build upon. To this end, this course will explore and discuss the interaction between religion and the forces of globalization and pluralism, as well as consider how these forces are shaping and reshaping contemporary discourses about the relationship between religion, culture, society, and politics. As a required course in the Ethics/Religion & Society (E/RS) component of Xavier University's undergraduate curriculum, this course is structured to further the E/RS objectives of:
- heightening awareness about the ethical and religious dimensions of socially significant issues;
- enabling students to use philosophical and theological methods and principles effectively in the analysis of socially significant issues;
- enabling students to understand and to evaluate the ethical and/or religious content of social significance in literary texts;
- helping students integrate moral reflection and religious analysis into their study of a chosen major or minor; and
- encouraging the development of a worldview that is oriented to responsible action.
Map of the World's Major Religions (click to download)
A good faith effort has been made to comply with US copyright law. This does not mean that none of the materials used in this course website is copyright protected, but that the "fair use" clause of US Copyright Law has been adhered to. In particular, any copyright material used here is (a) not used for commercial gain and used exclusively for educational purposes; and (b) used in limited amounts in comparison to the published source. The relevant provision (section 107) of the U.S. Copyright Act is reproduced below:
Section 107: Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair Use
Notwithstanding the provisions of section 106, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phone records or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use, the factors to be considered shall include:
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work. (added pub. l 94-553, Title I, 101, Oct 19, 1976, 90 Stat 2546).
Revision 2.0.2. Originally created: 17 September 2007. Last updated: 10 December 2008.
Designed, created and maintained by: Jonathan Y. Tan. © Copyright Jonathan Y. Tan, 2007-8. All rights reserved.
Reza Aslan
No God But God
(Random, 2006)
Robert Wuthnow
America and the
Challenges of
Religious Diversity
Bruce Lawrence
New Faiths,
Old Fears
(Columbia, 2004)